Case ref: MLA/2020/00173
Licence ref: L/2020/00437/1

Case summary

Main content

Project description

Amitié Telecommunications Cable System
The Amitié Telecommunications Cable System is a proposed fibre-optic subsea cable system linking Massachusetts, USA with Gironde in France and Cornwall in the UK. The system is being designed and installed by Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN). The Amitié system will deliver enhanced bandwidth availability for telecommunications services and content-based services between North America and Europe and provide significant cost benefits.
The cable route runs from the USA, across the Atlantic to the Bay of Biscay and the coast of Gironde, France. A Branching Unit (BU) is located in the High Seas, approximately 440km west of the French coast. A branch route runs from the BU through the Celtic Sea to Cornwall.
The proposed landing sites, where the cable will come ashore, are as follows:
• Lynn, Massachusetts, USA
• La Grigne, Gironde, France
• Widemouth Bay, Cornwall, UK
The system will also cross the Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) on route to the landing in France.
In the UK the marine cable will be connected to a land cable within an existing Beach Man Hole (BMH) in a car park behind the beach at Widemouth Bay. Existing infrastructure will be used to link the BMH to the Cable Landing Station (CLS).
Further information on the proposed project is provided in Section 4 of the Environmental Appraisal uploaded in support of this application.
The installation is expected to take place between September and December 2020 but will be dependent on vessel availability and weather. The work in UK territorial waters is expected to last approximately 10 days.

The following is an indicative programme for works within UK territorial waters:

Route Clearance/PLGR (September 2020) (Duration approx. 2 days)
Shore End Cable Installation (includes works on beach and nearshore installation out to approx. 1.8km from shore)(November 2020) (Duration approx. 4 days)
Main Cable Installation (November 2020) (Duration approx. 2 days)
Post Lay Inspection Burial (PLIB) (December 2020) (Duration approx. 2 days)

The installation will avoid school holidays to minimise the potential interaction with tourism and recreation.

Indicative programme for works in EEZ:

Route Clearance/PLGR (September-October 2020) (Approx. duration 30 days)
Main Cable Installation (November-December 2020) (Approx. duration 30 days)
Post Lay Inspection Burial (PLIB) (December 2020) (Approx. duration 30 days)

Other information

Applicant details

Stephen Dawe / +44 7799 477461 /
(Discharging conditions)